Case Studies, Industry Applications

Zebra Personal Shopping Solution for an Enhanced, Easy In-Store Shopping Experience for All Customers


Aware of the growing demand for digital alternatives when shopping in-store, Kaufland first looked at automating parts of its shopping process several years ago and introduced self-service checkout (SCOs). However, these predominantly suited customers making smaller sized purchases and Kaufland ultimately wanted a fully inclusive digital shopping experience, which any customer could access. So, in 2018, it approached long-term Zebra ISV partner Re-Vision BV, based in the Netherlands, with regards to a Proof of Concept (POC) for a PSS that could be fully integrated into its existing SCO and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems.

Michel Haagmans, CEO of Re-Vision, explains how the partnership developed: “First, we deployed a mobile self-scanning app for Kaufland. This was immediately well received, especially among younger customers with smaller baskets. However, for large-scale adoption of the PSS solutions, Kaufland realised they also needed an option with a professional scanner. We recommended the PS20 Personal Shopper from Zebra as the clear system of choice; and, having run some trials, Kaufland chose the Zebra PS20, the CC6000 Customer Concierge for customer check-in, mobility software and related services.”


Kaufland is progressively rolling out its PSS solution, branded K-Scan, starting with pilot stores and deployments in the Czech Republic, followed by Romania and Germany until K-Scan is live in multiple stores in all countries. The project revolves around the success of proven pilots in each country, to really ensure the project is working optimally before full country roll-out. This is where Zebra’s Professional Services team came in to help during pilot stage with consulting, project management, deployment, learning as a service and the custom scanner output walls. Zebra engineers visited each pilot installation to check all was working correctly and the professional services teams also conducted instructor- led-training (ILT) and supported the various pilot launches. Indeed, the close joint collaboration between Kaufland, Zebra and Re-Vision has enabled Kaufland to establish a proven blueprint for the full-scale deployments.

K-Scan uses Re-Vision’s standard Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), but with a customised user interface, to have a uniform appearance across both the scanner and smartphone solution, and the common backend of the system delivers consistent information, such as up-to-date prices and promotions to the devices. Indeed, the full integration of K-Scan with the Kaufland-App, the CRM (Kaufland-Card) and the POS systems, results in easy registration, fast SCO and payments via all available methods (cash, card or vouchers.)

Working in collaboration with Re-Vision and Zebra, Kaufland also uses certain aspects of Zebra Mobility DNA, such as StageNow for initial configuration and the Enterprise Home Screen for simple apps access and settings control on the PS20s and CC6000s and updated versions of the application are sent out using SOTI MobiControl. And the hardware is supported by a 3-year Zebra OneCare Select contract which includes advanced replacement, a dedicated spare pool and commissioning.


The results and feedback from this project speak for themselves: for example, 99 per cent customer satisfaction levels and a higher usage of the self-service checkouts. And, not only does K-Scan provide a quicker, more convenient shopping experience, contactless shopping is also ideal for compliance with the current COVID 19 social distancing rules.

The success of K-Scan lies in Kaufland’s agnostic solution approach, which enables Kaufland to reach all customer profiles, as well as the fact it is a turnkey, fully supported solution, from the reliable, robust and powerful hardware to the comprehensive professional service offering. Michel Haagmans summarises: “The co-operation between Zebra and Kaufland and ourselves is open, fruitful, proactive and ongoing. Kaufland is a key customer for us, we have a dedicated large team supporting them and we’re delighted to see them really driving
this forward.”

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Harni Jabar